There are so many different things going on in July that I actually forgot to mention in my video that we begin the month with six planets retrograde. This means it’s not a great time to plow ahead into new endeavors. The retrograde planets are mostly the outer ones that affect us less, but powerful Mercury is part of it (until the 12th) so it’s best to spend your time reviewing and renewing, rather than trying to create something new.
Our three themes this month are:
- Emotional University (vs. Relationship University last month)
- Moving Fully Into the Divine Feminine (vs. Maturation of the Masculine last month)
- Inequities Seek Balance – You can feel it. Both our outer and inner worlds are striving to counter-balance longtime imbalances. In our outer world, it’s about money, race and power. In our inner world, it’s about balancing our fatherly Capricorn energies with our motherly Cancer energies.
Here are the dates to keep your eye on:
JUNE 30 – Jupiter-Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn (#2 of 3) – The first time they went conjunct like this was 4-4-20. This is the second and the third is coming in November. Jupiter, the planet of expansion meets Pluto, the planet of death/rebirth and intensity. This is big. What did you begin on 4-4-2020? Start July by reviewing that and then make the necessary adjustments to be where you want to be when number three happens on 11/12.
JULY 1 – Saturn retrograde moves back into the sign it rules — Capricorn (serious, realist, hard worker, tenacious). Saturn the taskmaster is very comfortable in Capricorn but this may lead to more enforcement of rules, limits, boundaries, etc. Or maybe this is a sign of your maturation and the ability to put up your own boundaries and rules to live by.
JULY 4 @ 9:44 full moon eclipse in Capricorn. This ends an intense 5-week Eclipse Cycle and is all about releasing. What do you want to let go of particularly around Capricorn energy of work, logic and pushing for external success?
This eclipse is particularly strong for the US, because July 4 is the country’s 244th birthday. Once again we have the 2s and 4s (sacral and heart energy) that has been showing up all year. The time is 9:44, – 12:44 depending on your US time zone and the birthday number (244) adds up to 1 numerologically which signifies a new beginning. So may be this will mark the beginning of some very new ways — especially in regard to equality, a theme the country was founded on, despite slavery and women’s inability to partake in government at the time.
JULY 8– Jupiter returns to 22 degrees of Capricorn where it was Jan 12 when the big stellium occurred and caused our current power structures to begin to crumble,. It stays her for 8 days.
JULY 12 – Mercury goes direct in Cancer – Avoid any contracts or commitments on this day. Afterward, you’ll find that communicating your emotions and being compassionate to others’ emotions might be a bit easier.
JULY 20 – New Moon in
Cancer @ 10:32 am Pacific. Another opportunity to set Cancer-related intentions
- What kind of relationship do you want with your emotions?
- What kind of home life do you desire?
- How do you want to create a feeling of security in your life?
- Do you want to be more compassionate with yourself and others?
JULY 22 – Positive energy as the sun goes into Leo and Mercury (in Cancer) is sextile Uranus (in Taurus) which means it’s all about money, nature, beauty and your deepest values.
JULY 27 – Jupiter (in Capricorn) is sextile Neptune (in Pisces — the sign it rules). This day is great for inspiration and expansion. This sextile happens three times in 2020 (Feb 20, July 27 and Oct 11) and this is the middle occurrence. All that visionary energy could cause fogginess, but the fact that Jupiter is in Capricorn (the earthy, successful one) helps you to: 1) tie your dreams to real world events and 2) makes them more logical and doable.
Remember it’s a big retrograde month, so the growth is in looking back and reviewing and redoing things rather than trying to move forward, especially in the first 11 days of the month when Mercury is retrograde.
Still, Mars will be in it’s home sign of Aries the entire month, so part of you may want to light things up and move forward, since Mars and Aries are all about fire and action.
Use that momentum to look back at anything that needs your attention and your month will feel productive and balanced even while six planets are in retrograde and appear to be moving backwards.
Use this month to review, release and relax into your Divine feminine, Beautiful Soul.
Much love and many blessings,
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