Hello Beautiful Soul, Welcome to my series on signs that your chakras are overactive. A while back I did a series on signs that your chakras are weak that proved very popular. Now it’s time for me to do the opposite — show you the signs that show up when your chakras are overactive.
I’m a bit hesitant to share this series with you, though, because I don’t want you to practice energy reduction. We humans are made for expansion. Like other things in nature, we want to grow.
So before you read about the signs that indicate your sacral chakra is overactive, I’d like you to know something important. The best way to balance an overactive sacral chakra is not to work to reduce it, but to boost the chakras that are adjacent to it. In this case, it’s the root and solar plexus. These two chakras hold the masculine energy that complements and supporst the flowing feminine energy of the sacral chakra.
Watch this video to learn the truth about overactive chakras and how to heal them. Then watch the video above to see if you recognize yourself in a majority (at least 5) of the 9 signs of an overactive sacral chakra.
Another way to assess your chakras (as long as your throat chakra is pretty strong) is to take a written test like this one. Keep in mind, though, that if you ALL your chakras are “overactive,” then they balance each other out. This means you probably won’t be experiencing any negative symptoms.
Because your chakras are energetically oppositional as they progress up your spine. They’re divinely designed to counter-balance each other and create harmony in your body.
If they’re ALL overactive, then none of them will present the symptoms of being overactive. You’ll just be really strong energetically. Which is what we all want and need in this energy age.
Be sure to note sign #9. I left it out of the video, but added it in the annotations during the editing process. It is: MONEY ISSUES. There’s a reason that a saying like “starving artist” is so well-known. There’s some truth to it. The sacral chakra, which is the home of the artist within, holds energy that opposes our main money center — the root chakra.
So that’s number 9. Watch the video above to check out the other 8 signs.
And remember, this chakra work is only effective if we do it from a place of self-love and support. We aren’t “fixing” ourselves, but rather just opening up to our true energetic essence. In other words, we are simply becoming MORE ourselves.
Enjoy the journey!!
Much love and many blessings,
For super easy (and beautiful!) chakra healing, try my Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos. I created them because getting a real root chakra tattoo positively shifted my whole life and I want the same for you! Want more prosperity? Discover your personal Chakra Abundance Type FREE here. To stay connected and inspired, Visit my Chakra Boosters Facebook and catch new videos EVERY TUESDAY on my Chakra Boosters Youtube channel. xoxo
The post 9 Signs You Have an Overactive Sacral Chakra appeared first on Chakraboosters.com.